Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pretty Princess Dress Up Corner

Every girl needs her own space.

Even when your 2.

So I did this project before I decided to do a blog. That's the reason for no before pictures. It's simple enough, though. Once you see everything broken down it will be one of those "duh anyone can do that!" moments.

We chose a small spot on her wall behind her door and next to her wardrobe closets (Germany doesn't have real closets. How do these women manage?!). I had figured that would be the best spot just in case I go into one of my deep cleaning and re-arranging modes. Which, be warned, it happens often. This way it will never be in a spot where I want to put a dresser.

I started with an old window curtain rod. I have like five of these in my garage from moving from the states. So yes, expect more DIY projects with these nifty gadgets we take for granted.

I went to the store on the search for "S" hooks to hang from the rod, but came across these shower curtain hooks which work even better! They hold twice as much with two hooks on the end.

The jewelry holder is ..

ready for this ...

... a utensil divider.

Another upcycled piece I had in my garage from moving to Germany. I had my husband sand it down (he claims that I don't put enough effort into sanding .. psshhht) then I painted it white. To add just a bit of extra color I put pink scrapbook paper on the back of each divided cubby, then painted the white thinly over it to give it a white-washed antique, yet girly girl feel.

I then just simply screwed in miniature hooks. These were diamond hooks that I had to open up by pulling the end with pliers. I'm sure if you search, it won't be hard to find open ended hooks.

This whole project cost me a whopping $4.50. I already had everything except for scrapbook paper and shower curtain hooks.

Don't have a little girl? The curtain rod could also be used to hang super hero capes. It could go on the inside of your coat closet for the kids to hang their own coats.

Heck, I could even hang one for myself for the million and one scarves I own.

Maybe if I actually see them up, I will start wearing them again.

I can see it now, me with a scarf on. Fresh spit up shining in the sun on one side, Morgan pulling the other side trying to get my attention as I am slowly being strangled.

Or maybe I'll just find a different DIY project to do with all the scarves...

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